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Issue 20, December 2019

Updated: Oct 21, 2020

As Christmas carols begin playing in public places in Singapore, it won’t be long before we are reminded once more of the Christmas theme of Emmanuel—God with us.

Yet, as we read the stories in this issue of CHORUS, we discover that it is not only at Christmas time that we encounter “God with us, revealed in us”. Indeed, it is when we look back at the days and years of our walk with Him, that we see that He has been there with us all along.

This issue of CHORUS continues our COR Stories as part of our 40th Anniversary theme of “Many Stories, One Destiny”. Like our previous edition, we discover more about our COR members’ journey of faith as it intertwines ours. We learn more about how they came to be part of our COR family, appreciate the challenges they had to overcome in their personal faith journey, and grow alongside them in their service to God in our community.

We hope that these stories will resonate with you and that you may also discover God’s presence and blessings in your life. The articles in this issue include:

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