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United Generations!

Updated: Oct 27, 2020


Hot on the heels of the nationwide Celebration of Hope, Saturday Praise Service (SPS) was issued a new challenge - Generations, an evangelistic outreach on 31 August for our unsaved loved ones! To prepare for the event, we had bilingual WhatsApp invitations for our guests, prayers for the event, as well as a daily synchronised prayer.

On that exciting day, the front seats of the Sanctuary were transformed into a cosy U-shaped formation. We were seated by 4.30pm, unfamiliar faces interspersed with familiar ones. Every

generation was represented: Pioneer, Merdeka, Busy, Youth, Children. To kick off the service, our preschoolers came on stage with their song and dance item, “Great Big God”, delighting the hearts of doting grandparents. Keeping with the spirit, our primary school kids were up next with an action-packed Mandarin version of “This is Amazing Grace”.

With the audience warmed up, we had our Praise and Worship set next. Led by our exuberant worship team, our guests soon joined in, clapping along with the music. Adding visual appeal were the primary school dancers who took centre stage with their rainbow-tasselled tambourines. The SPS teen dancers then entered with ringing tambourines and twirling flags! Such a spectacle of sound, movement and colours! The audience was transfixed!

Next, we had a couple of song presentations. First up were our three singing queens who serenaded the crowd with a medley of familiar MandoPop songs and rounded the set with a song: "礼物". The next item was the song, “You Say”, accompanied by an expressive solo

dance. What an enchanting moment!

The next segment was a testimony by a member who shared how her small faith brought her mother to Christ! Pastor Chi Shyan then shared on the Prodigal Son. After all the fanfare, I

thought the evening was drawing to a close but there was a bonus item: a dynamic dance from a duo dressed in army fatigues, to the song, “Soldier On”, to convey courage to all who faced struggles.

After service, dinner was also fantastic! We had a live prata station, ice cream pushcart, mouth watering buffet and delectable cupcakes, among other things.

Although I had gone through countless outreach events, I was totally humbled this time. Our

invested prayers resulted in a strong sense of ownership and commitment! Our plethora of gifts culminated in a spectacular event! The Lord’s presence was there and I was truly blessed!

紧紧跟着全国主办的“希望与你有约”,Saturday Praise Service (SPS)收到了一个新的挑战 - 在



聚会即将开始,我们幼儿园的儿童们上台呈献一首诗歌跳舞“Great Big God”,令台下的祖父母都满心快乐。紧接着,为了延续这个精神,我们的小学同学们充份精神的上台用中文来唱“奇异恩典”。

当会众们都放松后,我们就开始一起敬拜赞美。我们的敬拜团代领大家一起拍掌,一起歌唱。加上我们小学的舞蹈者在台上用五颜六色的铃鼓,使台上的视觉变得很丰采。紧接着,SPS的青年舞蹈者也上台了,以铃鼓的响声和旗子的动作,加上之前舞蹈的彩色,会众们都完全被吸引住了! 过后,我们有些献歌的表现。首先以我们的三位歌唱女王唱一些中文流行歌曲,在以“礼物”这首诗歌结束。下一首,我们唱“You Say”这首歌,陪伴着舞蹈的独奏。多么迷人的时刻啊!

下一个阶段,是一位会友分享见证。她分享她怎么样以小小的信心把她妈妈带来信主。过后, Chi Shyan牧师就分享浪子回头的故事。夸夸其谈之后,我以为节目就到了尾段,但是竟然还有最后一个额外节目,以一对青年穿着军服跳舞,用“Soldier On”这首歌伴奏,向所有面对苦难的人表达勇气。



SARAH lives her destiny with a hat!


This article first appeared in Issue 20, December 2019 CHORUS Magazine.

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