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Logos Over The Years

Updated: Oct 26, 2020


Did you know COR had a total of 3 logos since its founding? Check out what all these logos mean! 你是否晓得复活堂从创始以来一共有三个徽标吗?一起来探索这三个徽标的意义!

Logo Number 1

Designed in the founding years of the Chapel of the Resurrection, the blood red background of the first logo represented the blood of Jesus Christ shed on the cross at Calvary for the sins of all man. The letter ‘O’ in turn signified the empty tomb upon the resurrection of Christ. Finally, the descending dove evoked the image of the empowering of the church by the Holy Spirit as depicted in Acts 1:8 – “But you will receive the power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the Earth.”


复活堂刚创办的第一个徽标,鲜红色的背景代表着耶稣在加爾瓦略山为众人流出的宝血。英文字母“O”代表耶稣死而复活的空坟墓。最后,白色的鸽子代表着,当圣灵降临在教会,教会就必得着能力,好像使徒行传一章八节所记载- “但圣灵降临在你们身上,你们就必得着能力;并要在耶路撒冷,犹太全地,和撒玛利亚,直到地级,做我的见证。”

Logo Number 2

The second Chapel of the Resurrection Logo was designed in 1999. It was made up of three elements: the Letters ‘C’ and ‘R’ in a bold blue typeface, the letter ‘O’ in the shape of an orange rising sun, and lastly below them, wavy bands of blue representing water.

The sun is a particularly potent symbol representing the glory of the Lord. The depiction of the sun rising declares that God’s kingdom is coming. On the other hand, the wavy blue bands represented the promise of the waters of life through baptism and the cleansing of sins when one receives Jesus Christ to be his or her personal Saviour and Lord. 徽标二

第二个徽标是1999年的创作。徽标分有三个部份:英文字母‘C'和’R'采用了强烈的蓝色;橙色的‘O' 是升起的太阳。最后,蓝色的波浪状是水。绽放光芒的太阳强而有力的代表神的荣耀;冉冉升起的太阳代表神的国即将要临到。蓝色的波浪代表,当我们接受耶稣基督成为我们各人的救主,我们的罪得以洁净,神也应许我们借着受洗得着生命的活水。

Logo Number 3

The current solid square COR logo was designed in December 2005.

The square base signifies the firm and proper grounding we enjoy when we are in a relationship with God. The red base represents vibrancy and life, while the contrasting orange, depicts freshness and being current with trends, social needs and times. The cross represents Christ, as well as a reminder for us to take up our own crosses and follow him. The cross on the other hand represents Christ, reminding us as well to take up our own crosses and follow him.

The four faces represent the four main races in Singapore, as well as the four cardinal points (North, South, East and West) that people may be looking at the cross from. This signifies that we are all called into God’s glory regardless of who we are or where we are from. In looking towards the cross where all life and meaning originate, the faces reinforce our need to always look towards the cross in all things and for all answers.

Lastly, the curvy line represents the small hill in the old St Andrew’s Junior College (SAJC) campus where COR was formerly located. The line is also a nostalgic extension of a design element from the second COR logo.


现有的徽标是2005 年的创作。在坚固四方形的基础上面,融入了不同元件。红色代表着生命和活力。稳固的四方形代表着- 当我们跟神建立关系,我们就能稳行在高处。橙色代表着创新,教会跟得上这时代的步伐,通达时务,了解社会的需要。在另一端,十字架代表耶稣,也提醒我们要背起十字架跟随耶稣。接着,四面代表新加坡群体的四个种族。这四面也朝向东南西北。这都象征-神的救恩,不仅限制与某人,乃是愿各方各国各族各民都进入他荣耀的呼召里。当我们仰望徽标上的十字架,我们就晓得十字架是我们生命的源头和意义,也提醒我们把一切都交托于耶稣。最后,一道弯曲的线条代表着圣安德烈初级学院和复活堂旧舍的那座小山丘。这是给原先的徽标二增填了一尘怀旧之情。

This article first appeared in Issue 19, April 2019 CHORUS Magazine.

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