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Story 8: Gilbert Wong

Updated: Oct 26, 2020

(SATURDAY PRAISE SERVICE) I joined Chapel of the Resurrection (COR) in August 2016 through the Alpha program. Alpha was a program for both believers and non-believers to find out more about the Christian faith in an informal setting. When I was invited to participate in Alpha, I thought it was perfect as I was then seeking answers about my purpose in life.

Through Alpha, I joined Agape cell group, which later merged with Logos cell group. At Logos, I grew spiritually under the cell leadership of Daniel Lau. Apart from my cell group, I also made friends from different cell groups, such as Joshua cell group, where my two mentors, Ang Seng Yang and Zhuang Jing Dong, are from. I found the experience of having guides and mentors helped me understand God better.

I am currently serving in the Welcome, Creative Arts, and Children’s Ministry. Likewise, the leaders in these ministries also guide my Christian growth. Another spiritual growth opportunity for me was to go on mission trips to Cambodia, which allowed me to see God’s love.

My lowest point as a Christian is in October 2018, when my mother passed away. I felt like I had lost my purpose and that my prayers were in vain. I had prayed fervently for my mother’s salvation, healing, and recovery when she met with an accident in 2002. When I turned to faith in 2016, I questioned why God had not answered my prayers. I also had a lot of doubts. With the support from the COR community, my mentors, and cell group, I began to understand that God’s ways are greater than our ways, and that while we may not understand His plans at that point in time, in knowing that God is Holy and good, we can trust Him even when undergoing difficult times. Perhaps in my mother’s passing, she experienced salvation from her physical pain of being bedridden, and in doing so, be granted eternal life through our Lord.

I yearn to see COR continue to grow spiritually as a house of God, and to be as welcoming to everyone as its members were to me at my first Alpha session. I also hope that COR continues with its drama productions for our festivals, and have activities and programmes that engage all our members, from children to youths and adults, so that we can see the extent of God’s love to us. I pray that we continue to worship and glorify our great Lord, as we serve Him together!


通过启发课程,我加入了爱加倍小组,这个小组后来同真道小组合并。在组长Daniel Lau 的带领下,我灵命得以成长。除了我自己的小组,我也同其他小组的成员交朋友,例如约书亚小组。在那里,我遇见了我的两位导师Ang Seng Yang 和 Zhuang Jing Dong。在导师们的指导下,我更认识我们的神。

目前,我在招待组, 创意美术班, 和 儿童主日学 事奉,负责这些事工的领袖们帮助我在基督里成长。后来,我有机会参与柬埔寨宣教活动,这让我体会到主的爱,同时也帮助了我灵命成长。

2018年10月,我的母亲去世了,那是我信主后人生的低谷。当时,我觉得我的生命失去了意义,而我长期的祷告也只是枉然。我的母亲在2002年意外受伤,我曾不断地为着她的救恩、医治和康复切切祷告。当我在2016年信主时,我质问主为什么没有应允我的祷告,我当时有许多的疑惑。在复活堂的大家庭、导师和小组的支持下,我开始了解神的意念高过我们的意念,我们可能无法明白祂的旨意,但我们在狂风暴雨中可以信靠祂,因为我们知道祂是圣洁良善的。 或许母亲的离去令她得着释放,她摆脱了长久卧病在床的痛苦,也因此藉着主得着永生。


This article first appeared in Issue 19, April 2019 CHORUS Magazine.

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