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Story 12: Joanna Ong

Updated: Oct 21, 2020

(SATURDAY PRAISE SERVICE) I started attending COR regularly in 2004, after my marriage to my husband, who grew up in the church. Prior to that, I was an occasional visitor, as my best friend was a COR member and I was studying at St Andrew’s Junior College.

My earliest memories of COR was attending services in the chapel with its black and white tiled flooring, and the colourful velvet banners that flanked both sides of the chapel. I have fond memories of my cell group lunching at Seah Im Hawker Centre after service. Those years spent at Malan Road were significant for me, so I was sentimental when our church had to move to its current location at St Andrew's Village. As a cell group, we moved together with the youth service, and then “graduated” later to the Saturday Praise Service. Looking back, I can see that the move to St Andrew’s Village helped our church grow in size.

I am always thankful for my cell group. My cell mates have different personalities, but they are all generous with their time and God-gifted talents. They have weathered much with me on my life’s journey., especially when I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in August 2017. My cell group rallied around my family with prayers and notes of encouragement, and one brother even brought alkaline water for me to drink, every two days for over four months! I felt so blessed! Rev David, Pastor Chi Shyan and Wee Lee, the pastoral team, and members of the Saturday Praise Service (SPS) congregation also prayed alongside us. A WhatsApp chat prayer group was even formed to support us through this journey. We also experienced many acts of kindness and thoughtfulness from others in the church, such as Elizabeth Woon from the Saturday children's ministry, who offered to fetch our daughter to and from worship practice. We are so grateful for her and all who supported us.

As I was formerly from a mega-church, I felt drawn to the warmth of COR’s congregation size. When I was in the youth service, it seemed that everyone knew everyone; new joiners were welcomed and quickly integrated. This same culture is also in SPS. Although SPS’s congregation size has increased, it still remains cosy, with people looking out for and supporting one another. This is strongly reinforced and modelled by the leadership and pastoral team in the church.

As COR celebrates its 40th anniversary, my hope for the church is that this culture of encouraging one another in our walk with Christ continues. As we move forward, let’s ensure that no one gets left behind. Happy 40th COR and may the Lord’s favour continue to shine on you.

在2004,结婚后,我与丈夫便开始在复活堂定时参加聚会。我的丈夫比我早些在复活堂崇拜。而我呢,第一次来是因着我最要好的中学朋友邀请我来的。之后,我也就读于“麻兰路” 的圣安德烈初级学院,复活堂也在学校内。

初期对复活堂的美好回忆就是- 礼堂的两端挂着五彩缤纷的旗帜和地板上黑白地砖,还有聚会后,小组一同移步到 “Seah Im” 咖啡店享用午餐和团契。

当复活堂迁移到圣安德烈村,我虽然对旧舍依依不舍,但是几年后,我知道这是正确的决定,因为我见证到人数和教会的增长。我和小组也渐渐从青年堂会转到周六的‘Saturday Praise Service(SPS)的堂会。

我非常感恩我能在小组成长。虽然小组包含着不同性格的成员,它也包含着一群愿意委身,用神赐的才干服侍神的组员。这个小组陪伴我走人生路和渡过许多风暴。2017,我被诊断患了子宫癌。小组横切的代祷和勉励的话也时刻的鼓励和围绕着我和我的家人。有一位弟兄足足四个月,每隔两天就送我治疗所需的碱性水。David 牧正,ChiShyan 牧师和妻子WeeLee,教会关怀组和SPS 会友通过Whats App 发动祷告链,为我恒切代求。要特别提起Elizabeth姐妹,在那段期间不辞劳苦的接送我的孩子到主日学。教会每位同工,组员,朋友的鼓励,由爱心发出的行动,让我感激不尽。




This article first appeared in Issue 19, April 2019 CHORUS Magazine.

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